American Legion Mandarin
"Fallen Heroes"
Post 372
The Northeast Fallen Heroes Foundation is a proud supporter of the American Legion Mandarin "Fallen Heroes" Post 372 in Jacksonville, FL. The Foundation shares a location with Post 372 and will share in the construction and ongoing maintenance costs of the facility in exchange for donated office space. Here are the programs of Post 372 that our Foundation supports:
Post 372 Building Project - Post 372 was an American Legion without a home. This limited the services that the post could offer to their programs. The post has now outgrown using member's homes and donated space at the local YMCA. The new 6300 sqft building will be located at 13000 Old St Augustine Road, Jacksonville, FL 32258. This new facility will be the focal point of providing service to the veterans, active duty, their dependents, first responders, the youth, and the underserved communities of lower Duval and upper St Johns Counties. This building will also allow the Foundation to serve all of the above of Northeast Florida. To learn more about Post 372's Building Project, please click HERE
Please click on the links below to learn about the programs that Post 372 supports. In the event the link is broken, please send us an email letting us know which link is bad.
Veteran Programs
Active-Duty Personnel Programs
All of the American Legion Programs that Post 372 participates in, translates into the same assistance that the post can offer active-duty military and their dependents. The only difference is that they are wearing the uniform and currently serving our country. It is Post 372's honor to assist these heroes and their families when asked.
Children and Youth Programs
- Legion Baseball
- Boys State
- Children and Youth
- Junior Shooting Sports
- Oratorical
- Scholarships
- School Medals
- Scouting
- Sea Cadets
- Special Olympics
- Youth Law Cadet
First Responder Programs
Law and Order Awards
First Responder Meals - Police and fire services in the area where Post 372 resides, is one of the busiest areas of Jacksonville. With this, our first responders are seldom in their station or precinct which at times prevents them from having a hot meal. Post 372 will provide on a rotating basis, meals to the surrounding fire stations
Fallen First Responder Scholarship - Post 372 has a goal of providing a $1000 one-time per child college or trade school scholarship to a child of a fallen first responder from the area who lost their lives in the line of duty.
Underserved and Community Programs
The WIlliams Family YMCA - Post 372 currently supports the yearly Pack the Backpacks and Trunk n Treat at the Williams Family YMCA in Jacksonville. We are looking to further support for other programs at the YMCA to get the youth of the underserved community involved in sports and being physically fit.
Food Banks - Post 372 routinely holds food drives to benefit the Mandarin Food Bank. Once Post 372 gets their kitchen operational, the post plans on providing cooked meals to those in need as well as the groceries to make their own meals over the holidays.
Community Playground - There is currently additional properties located around the new Post 372 location. Post 372 has a goal to work with the owners to purchase the additional property to create a handicap accessible playground for the communities that surround the post.